Pay for you project with fixed monthly payments without tapping into your home’s equity.
Illinois Energy Efficiency Loan Program
Offered by: Nicor Gas – People’s Gas – North Shore Gas
Improve the energy efficiency of your home with this financing option for cost-effective energy-saving home improvements. Low fixed rate, fixed monthly payments, and conveniently applied to your monthly utility gas provider bill.
Illinois Energy Efficiency Loans are simple interest, fixed-rate loans with longer terms available than typical bank financing. The monthly payment and interest rate can never change. And since there is no penalty for pre-payment, you may pay it off or make additional principal payments at any time.
- Convenient application process
- Quick approval process
- Low fixed rates 8.99%*
- Great payment options for 1, 3, 5, 7‡ , and 10‡ years
- No fees, points, or closing costs
*Rates subject to change. Customers are subject to the current rate at time of application.
‡The loan amount must be greater than $8,000 to utilize 7 or 10 year loan term
The Wells Fargo Home Projects credit card is a great way to finance your project.
- Convenient application process
- Quick approval process