Professional Insulation Services in Chicago

Chicago is famous for its diverse architecture and thriving culture. Plus, as the third largest city in America, there’s no shortage of delicious food and things to do. However, there’s nothing more comforting after the hustle and bustle of city life than coming home—which Chicago also has a wide variety of. 

From traditional bungalows and two-flats to distinct greystones and courtyard buildings, every home in Chicago has unique characteristics. This is why finding an insulation contractor that knows Chicago homes—and their particular needs—is important to get long-lasting results. ARC Insulation offers comprehensive insulation services throughout the Windy City that can provide total home comfort all year long, lower energy bills, and many additional benefits. 

Where to Start: A Home Energy Assessment

The best way to begin any home insulation project in Chicago is with a home energy assessment. With this extensive analysis of your home’s performance, our team of building science experts can identify where insulation and weatherization upgrades are needed. 

ARC Insulation uses our building science expertise to accurately identify areas of concern, like air leakage and temperature inconsistencies. We can also add thermal imaging and blower door testing at your request to gather additional data on your home. From there, we’ll make recommendations on what insulation services will most benefit your Chicago home.

Chicago Insulation Services

With over 30 years of experience, ARC Insulation provides several Chicago insulation installation solutions that can help make your home more comfortable and energy efficient. We’ll customize your services depending on your home’s specific needs, which includes the best type of insulation to keep your home protected from the outside elements all year long. 

  • Attic InsulationChicago attic insulation is crucial to keeping your home comfortable throughout the seasons. Attics are one of the most common areas of energy loss in a home and contribute to high energy bills and winter ice dams.
  • Basement InsulationMuch of the air in your home’s living spaces originates in its lower levels. Whether you have a basement or crawl space, ARC Insulation can find a solution to keep the area dry and healthy.
  • Garage InsulationGarages are another common area for energy loss in a home, and including them in your building’s thermal envelope can increase the energy efficiency of your living spaces. 
  • Insulation Removal & Replacement Old and damaged insulation can not only cause a rise in your utility costs, but it can lead to indoor air quality and comfort issues as well. Before upgrading to new insulation, it’s important to properly remove old insulation first for the best results.
  • Air Sealing & WeatherizationAir sealing plays a crucial role in your home’s comfort, efficiency, and indoor air quality by preventing unwanted airflow. This will protect your building envelope from indoor drafts and indoor pollutants, and it will also enhance the benefits of your insulation.

Mold Services in Chicago

When your Chicago home has moisture issues, it becomes vulnerable to mold growth. Not only is mold a hassle to remove once it has taken hold, but it can lead to structural damage, unhealthy indoor air, and several health hazards for your family. 

ARC Insulation offers comprehensive mold services that can help get rid of mold growth in your home and prevent it from returning. If you’ve experienced water leaks, see mold on surfaces throughout your home, or have a lingering musty smell that you can’t get rid of, give our team a call. 

Indoor Air Quality Solutions

The EPA reports that indoor air can be up to five times more polluted than that outside, and IAQ issues can lead to long-term health effects. There are several factors that could be contributing to poor indoor air quality in a home, including everyday activities like cooking and cleaning. Depending on the source, ARC Insulation can recommend an indoor air quality solution, such as duct sealing or air purification, to help you breathe easier.

Get started with insulation upgrades, mold services, and IAQ solutions in Chicago with a free quote. Call 815-293-1250 or contact us online today.

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